Monday, October 8, 2007

New Banner

The new banner is for all of you who were kind enough to mention and/or ask about Bug and the tanker. Bug chases and plays tug of war with almost all of the trucks that come into our plant, especially the ones hauling molasses.

She never wins.

She has, however, amassed a collection of at least 3 mud flaps and has not lost any teeth yet.

We think her mother may have been a crack junkie - she has visions and her favorite demon to bark at is her own echo.

She is an amazingly good natured dog who has been abandoned, snake bit and stolen enough lunch boxes that she should, by all rights, be dead. But she's not.

She is loved. She stays with me in the office during the day and stays with the guards at night. She has all the rabbits and birds that she can catch, a barn cat that always gets away, and semis to play with. All in all, a pretty good life.


Swampwitch said...

Maybe Bug is a cat.

Unknown said...

Bug is hilarious. No really, she seems like a real good companion and possibly protector. :)

Hootin Anni said...

She's a cutie!!! [ironic tho...our daughter's nickname is Bug!]

I JUST LEFT YOU A TREAT at my blog!!! If you'd like, drop by and pick it up!

Happy Tuesday.

A Slice of My Life said...

What a great dog! A good natured personality always wins out.

Debs said...

She is a great dog. I love the header. I hope she keeps all her teeth and keeps safe.

Walker said...

How did she get her name??

Love the header!

Sandy said...

Walker - Bug got her name because she bugs everybody! She was thrown from a moving vehicle when she was just a baby. One of the guys I work with found her. She was terrified of men so he called me. It took about a week before she would even eat if I was in the same room. Just broke my heart. However, fast forward about 4 months (during which time we tried a bunch of names) and she decided that she had never met a person she didn't love. She greets everyone and we have some friends who just bring their kids out here to play with her. She is a joy. And thanks for the kudos on the header.

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