Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day Dinner

My husband and I used to drive truck cross-country for a living. We drove for a company hauling refrigerated produce and frozen meats for 7 years and then decided to buy our own truck. Before we bought our truck, we asked every old trucker we knew for the one piece of advice that he thought was indispensable. Our favorite?

What's the first thing you do when your truck breaks down?
Buy yourself a steak dinner because it's the last one you're gonna get for a while.

Tonight, I got in a hot bath about 5:00. It started getting tepid, so I let some water out and then turned on the hot water. And waited for the water to get hot. And waited for the water to get hot. And realized the water was not going to get hot.

I got out of the tub and checked the circuit breakers. They were fine. I checked the hot water heater. It is not leaking. I left the warm water in the tub so Shorty could get at least a little warmer than he was working outside all day.

I had decided, for Valentine's Day, to make this lovely steak and these wonderful mashed potatoes from recipes I found at The Pioneer Woman Cooks. Thank you, Ree.

Shorty came in, looked at the steaks resting at room temp, waiting to be cooked and said, "What broke?"

Happy St. Valentine's Day all y'all.


Junebug said...

I made the rib eye steaks that Ree gave a recipe for too and instead of mashed potatoes I made baked. We had a salad and steamed broccoli and early today I had made miniature brownie muffins and served that with ice cream. Mmmmm....good. :D I thought the steak was toooooo salty though.

Kim said...

Poor steak has a bad wrap now!

Jen said...

Isn't it nice when we get shorthand communication with our significant others? I love it! ;)

Unknown said...

That is too funny! I guess he was really surprised then.

bichonpawz said...

That is funny! It is nice when you both speak the same language!! Hope you both had a Happy Day!

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