Saturday, February 16, 2008

I Only Got 26

The U.S. Citizenship Test

Very interesting questions. How well would you do if you took the citizenship test? Try this out - educational and fun. 24 out of 30 is considered a passing grade. Supposedly 96% of all High School seniors FAILED this test... AND if that's not bad enough, 50+% of all individuals over 50 did too!! and we WONDER why America's in the shape she's in?

Go to the link below. Take the test and be surprised at what you don't know.

I apologize to my many reader(s) abroad and north (chuckle, chuckle) but I am sick and lazy and found this WAY back in my drafts. I appreciate your understanding.


Anonymous said...

I taught US History. And, I missed two. Both on amendments...raises fist...darn amendments.

Anonymous said...

I taught US History. And, I missed two. Both on amendments...raises fist...darn amendments.

laurie said...

the amendments! yikes. and i didn't know who was born in texas. though i knew it wasn't W.

bichonpawz said...

Yes, Sandy, it was pretty funny when Chloe stomped her way right through the heart!

-Ann said...

I missed two. How did I miss the fact that an amendment was ratified in 1992? I also missed the number of unratified amendments.

ChrisB said...

Well they wouldn't let me become an American Citizen I only managed 14!!

Unknown said...

I can always ask hubby for help, he became a citizen when he was 16 and he's had to make pledges to the country I, being born here, never had to make.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

I managed 14 too! Not too bad for a Brit who's never been to the US I thought!

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