Some for renown, on scraps of learning dote,
And think they grow immortal as they quote. - Edward Young
This was the "quote of the day" on my home page Saturday. It made me chuckle since I have been racking my brain trying to find quotes/quotations brilliant enough to share with y'all today. Robin, at Pensieve, is the hostess for this week. This is her request. Regardless of what motivated me to choose this for a theme, next week please share words that inspire and motivate you--brief or bloviatory, silly or serious, from great world leaders to last night's Comedy Central...from a Hallmark greeting card to your favorite book.
There are, of course, a multitude of quotes that I use every day. Most of them can be directly attributed to my mother and indirectly attributed to my great-great-great-great-etc.grandmother. "Don't you look at me in that tone of voice. Because I said so. Because I'm your mother and I said so. Was I addressing you? You will not speak to me in that tone of voice. Always wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident."
The one that I would like for my daughter to attribute to me? "Know that I love you."
The one that makes me grateful every single day when I re-read it? "You do not have a soul. You ARE a soul. You have a body." C.S. Lewis
The one that I often share with my girlfriends when one or more of us are having one of those moments? "That which does not kill you is your life." with apologies to Steel Magnolias.
The quote stuck on the front of my refrigerator, given to my husband and I by a very dear friend and his wife, upon their return from a European trip? "This is my happiness. God is my Father and I am His child." Duffy has since died and there is not a doubt in my mind, nor in my soul, that he is truly happy, as are those of us who were blessed to know him and to know his lovely wife.
My new favorite is from a staff meeting the other day. One of the managers was praising all of us, saying how happy he was with our work. The other manager, in his turn, was talking about all of the things that still needed doing. Some of my co-workers were looking disgruntled. You know, that "nothing is ever good enough" look. The first manager, smoothing things over said, "We can be happy with the results but we must never be satisfied, for in that lies complacency."
I lied in complaceny once, and I think it stuck to my jeans.
Well... you even used my family quotes. My mom could roll those off her tongue with such ease. It was almost a joy to listen, as long as it wasn't directed at me.
My favorite was If all your friends jumped off a cliff would you have to do it too?
those are wonderful, I especially love the one from CS Lewis.
All are great quotes!!
Lovin' you new header!
These are all great. I also love the C S Lewis one, and I want my daughters to attribute that quote to me too.
There's definitely Welsh blood in you somewhere because "Don't you look at me in that tone of voice" is a classic Welsh saying! All my family use it and it so makes me laugh!!
Yep, that was my upbringing: Wear clean underwear in case you get in an accident.
My daughter's favorite saying to her older brother, when she was little: "You're gettin' on my nervous!"
LOL on the "don't you look at me with that tone of voice"! Good one. And Steel Magnolias? You can't beat that movie....gotta love it.
Very beautiful! I have heard my momma tell me for years and still to this day, Don't look at me in that tone of voice and always wear clean underware.
When I was 5 or 6 I couldn't find clean underware, so I didn't waer none to the Dr. My mom like to had a stroke. I told her she said I had to waer clean undies and I couldn't find any. LOL! I still got a spanking.
I really enjoyed the CS Lewis quote. Great job.
Hahaha ! love the quotes of your mother ! especially the clean underwear !
Most of your first quotes I used when my children were young~ especially the underwear one and I was brought up hearing this as well, so what goes around comes around!
I think I've said a few of those 'mother's quotes' in the last few years myself. All great I might add :o) But I do really like the last quote as well.
Love the Momisim, think we have all heard them. In fact think I heard my Niece use them all on her daughter on my last visit.
Thanks for sharing
I love the CS Lewis one. I have to keep remembering that I'm only using this body for a while.
Great quotes - definitely words to live by! And the way you did the Fun Monday logo is AWESOME!
Dude!! I almost used the CS Lewis one, myself!
LOVE him!
I've always loved the Lewis one. You continue to inspire me.
That which does not kill you is your life.....what a great quote. I had forgotten it.
I love the CS Lewis quote. I also like your Fun Monday sticker.
Don't you look at me in that tone of voice... sounds right to me???!
Thank you for the CS Lewis quote.
I think I've said all those mother ones before even though I distinctly remember telling myself as a kid I would never say them!
Your staff meeting sounds like some of ours -- always trying to find a way to make things better.
I really like the CS Lewis quote.
I hope my kids "know that I love you"
Sometimes it's amazing my life doesn't kill me. :)
Sandy, gosh, I haven't visited you? I was sure I had...Fun Monday brain drain, I guess. I'm determined to visit EVERYONE, but bloghopping out of order isn't the smartest thing to do :/...
Anyways...your list is memorable...so full of great thoughts, some original, some familiar. I like how you added the ones that are really a part of your day to day.
Thanks, too, for the reminder about Image Chef...so fun to play with!
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