This post is for my daughter. I am thankful for her with every breath that I take and every beat of my heart.
When Julie was a little girl, she used to talk to Jesus in the backyard of our house. In case any of you were wondering, He has green eyes. I could not see Him, nor could her older sister. Julie could see Him, and talk to Him and with Him. She has since fallen away from religion but He is still with her, although she no longer sees him.
Her son, my lil man, loves Jesus more than any child I have ever known. He has an insatiable desire for knowledge about Jesus and a relationship with Jesus that should be the envy of us all (if envy were not one of the seven deadly sins). He has a hunger for the Eucharist that is tangible.
Tonight, the three of us were on the way home from CFC lessons. Julie, who is my assistant teaching the 5th graders, had very sternly reprimanded one of our students for being disrespectful to me during tonight's class. We were discussing this in the car and Julie made sure that lil man understood that not only do the teachers need to be respected but so does God. If you are learning about God, you should show respect to God.
Julie and I have, due to a very long separation during her child and adulthood, a very unique relationship. I am her mother. She is my daughter. We are friends - sarcastic, witchy, irreverent friends. She made sure to tell lil man that her relationship with Jesus is much like her relationship with me. She loves Him and knows that He loves her. She is not always as respectful as she might be.
This brought me to tears because I am a crier. I cry at the drop of a hat. The streetlight reflected off of my check, highlighting a tear path. She poked me and told me that I needed hormones. I told her no because they would kill me. She told me I needed BRD.
BRD? Bovine Respiratory Distress? She called me a cow?!?!?!
She laughed, I laughed, lil man laughed and she amended it to HRT. Still not happening, but at least now I am human.
I am thankful for Julie.
lovely. (Wish I was just teary.
I am cranky.)
Momma Mia and I have a relationship like yours. We harass each other regularly and love it. The teasing is the way we show affection.
Isn't childlike faith the best! We could learn so much from kiddos!
It sounds like you have an amazing daughter, but then again you are a kick butt mom too.
What a wonderful family you have!
I love when my kids make me cry. Special relationships. XO
I'm so glad you have a wonderful daughter! Don't worry, God isn't done with her and it's okay to cry. I do to. LOL! I have that silly kind of relationship with my mom! Its wonderful!
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