Saturday, March 29, 2008

And So It Grows

Last week, lil man and I planted seeds. I have never grown anything from seeds, having the proverbial black thumb. We planted okra, carrots, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, beets, nasturtiums, mint and four-o-clocks. We used the Jiffy Plant Starter kit which has room for 72 seedlings.
3 days later, everything the boy touched is at least 2 inches high. My seeds? Struggling to break ground. I was whining about this and he informed me that he knew why.
His hands were dirty to start with so his plants got a head start! He thinks that if I just played outside more my plants would grow better.
He could be right.


kitten said...

LOL! I like his way of thinking. Too cute! I'm like you, no green thumb here!

Unknown said...

He makes sense. You have a smart Lil Man there! But I hate to tell you I planted one of those a couple of weeks ago and they're all up. And I didn't have dirty hands. :)

laurie said...

what a very lovely thought!

i 've grown tomatoes from seeds before. but i'm not sure it's worth the effort.

(i LOVE tomatoes. i only mean it's a lot easier to get bedding plants.)

Alison said...

that is very cute!!

Sayre said...

Ah - the wisdom of children! He might just be right!

Kim said...

Sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

BTW, tag, you're it.

Career Guy said...

Love that C.S. Lewis quote!
I saw a guy filling a planter downtown with pansies--I half think it's too early for northern Ohio, but it got me thinking about my own backyard. Most of it is perennials so I don't have to mess with them. Still--gotta love annual flowers.

Anonymous said...

I've tried for 3 years to grow from scratch in Feb-Mar, nursed them, turned them in the sunlight coming through my office window, and they will get about 4 inches high, and just shrivel up and die. I'm buying from the nursery this year. Good luck, and Lil Man, like NLM, has warped thinking!

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

Ha! Freaking brilliant.

Queen of the Mayhem said...

I suffer from the same "black thumb" affliction.

We just paid an enormous amount of money to have our beds landscaped and I am TERRIFIED I will soon kill it all! This will prompt my husband to take similar action against me!

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