Our assignment this month was a limerick. Robin gave us a list of target words in honor of March, Spring, and St. Paddy's Day.
This first one is in honor of my grandson who, bless his heart, loves Spam. His mom? Not so much. It is also in honor of this 1/4 Irish, 1/4 Italian, 1/2 German child who swears by all that is holy that she is Irish. Just Irish.
There once was a lass named O’Brien
Who, in March, set green eggs afryin'.
She cooked up some ham
‘cause she just hated Spam
Which set her little man to cryin’.
ha ha ha ha ha.
You always make my face crack in the morning, before I get is moisturized.
Mine is about 'cookin Pam
(I'd like to fry some spam)
--- you know the kind I mean? in your Email box or on our blogs?
A limmerick about Spam is always a good thing!
Have a great day.
I think the SPAM people would appreciate :). Your entry this month a) follows the rules and b) made me grin and c) had a nice Irish feel to it (1/4 or 1 whole, you'll have to decide the fractions ;) ).
Thanks for playing along, EVERYONE has done a fantastic job with these! I can't get enough of 'em! :)
Oh spam, my stomach just shuddered in fear.
Great limerick. Very catchy.
Cute! I haven't had "Spam" in decades...I wonder if it's still as gross as I remember it being? ;-)
That's wonderful. I love the rhyme of O'Brien and afryin'. lol!
hey there's an award waiting for you ate Everyday-Kindness.com
I am going to start taking note of my post titles. I found a site that had my post about American Idol listed for others to read. Kind of cool. I had some visitors from there too. I guess it's the title that caught the attention.
Heh heh - You could almost get the constellation of orion in there too!
Cute cute cute...love the O'Brien, a fryin' and cryin'!
hmmmm... love the green eggs and ham! Now, I'm thinking Dr. Seuss just might have been Irish!
You just set my stomach to turnin'...SPAM !
AnodeMan loves Spam with cream corn. Aarrgghh.
Love the limerick. I use to love Spam, but now I don't eat it.
I love how you explained it first! And how you were able to put that paragraph into a short little limerick. :)
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