This week's hostess is Nikki. Nikki would like to hear, in our own words, our own words. She also would like to hear our green beer/St. Patrick's Day stories.
The first part is easy for me. The title of my blog, Myanderings, is one of my own words. It means "the meanderings of my mind".
Another word used in our family was coined by my daughter when she was just a wee thing learning to play poker at her Grandmother's knee. Juls used to get all of her cards and then go behind the sofa where no one could see her to "suitagorize" her cards.
Another word, this one in use since I was a child at least is "noodle knot". If you are not familiar with noodle knots, they look like this:

Some people call them pony tail holders.
As for the non-words? My oldest sister, at one Thanksgiving dinner with my alcoholic dad, started this one. Dad was starting in, again, and my sister just said, "Anyone who has already heard this, raise your right hand." So, if you are any where with any of us and the right hand hits the sky, we've already heard it, probably more than once.
I have no St. Paddy's Day drunk tales, although my husband and I had our first date 2 days after St. Paddy's. That would be St. Joseph's feast day, though.
noodle knot is a great name.
and i'm glad you explained that was a pony-tail holder because i thought it was two glass eyeballs on a string.
Suitagorize is a fantastic word. The fact that it was done behind the couch makes it all the better.
I love noodle knot! What can I say, your made up words inspired me. Thanks for letting me borrow your creative words idea. You ROCK!
suitagorize now I must remember that for next time I play cards with the grand children. Noodle Knot is a great descriptive word!
Suitagorize is really a quite adequate word for what she was doing. It should be a word! :D
Noodle knot is easier to say than Pony Tail Holder.
Gosh I wish I'd of been braver to say that to my drunk dad!! though iprobably wouldn't be here today!!
Noodle knots - that's a good one! And a perfect word for those things...which always used to snap my fingers and HURT.
In my family when certain relatives started pissing and moaning about old gripes and ancient resentmetns at the Thanksgiving Dinner table, my generation would look at each other, hold up an imaginary Oscar statuette, and say, "I'd like to thank the Academy for this honor...."
Suitagorize is great and I think I might just start using that!
I am gonna have to work Noodle Knot and Suitagorize into a story somehow... they tickled my imagination.
So... ya got any St. Joseph day stories????
Love, love, love the suitagorize! It so perfectly describes organizing the cards!
suitagorize is the PERFECT word to describe that!
These are great! I don't think I would have come up with anything myself... That's a tough one!
Yep, Sany your blog name gets the prize for most original made up word--but how appropriate.
those are great Sandy..we call noodle knots - tails!!
"Noodle Knots" I love that! :)
I never thought about the little names we call things.. like noodle knots. Of course!!
too bad those noodle knots are soft like noodles!! Love your words!
My Dad doesn't drink yet I have to hear his stories over and over and over and over. He is the only one I bite my tounge with.
I haven't thought of those pony tail holders in years!!! But I sure do remember them....they hurt! Happy St. Patrick's Day!
"suitagorize" is very cute. I love how kids make words up like that.
Noodle knot - I'm gonna use that one!
Ooooohhhhh, I like the sound of NoodleKnot. It has a nice ring to it.
Missed you! Thanks for checking in with me! I'll be back sometime this weekend.
I like noodle knot, pretty appropriate. :)
I like the raising your hand thing. :)
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