Today's host for Fun Monday is the I.T. Guy (and how lame will I sound when I confess that I don't know what I.T. is?). This is his request.
I need YOU (yes, the wonderful YOU!) to pick 5 memorable lines from 5 different movies (if you could tell us which character said it and to whom, would be a bonus)...and tell us to WHOM (who in the people in your life) you could have said those lines.
From Fried Green Tomatoes, spoken by Kathy Bates as Evelyn Crouch. "I'm older and I have more insurance". Kathy's character was having a very bad overweight, hormonal day and some cute little chickies cut her off in a parking lot and then gave her some lip. I say this to myself and my family says it about me whenever I do something or act some way that lets them know that I am Towanda, a very secure woman "of a certain age". My sweetheart even calls me Towanda on occasion.
From Camelot (the Richard Harris, Franco Nero, Vanessa Redgrave version). Guinevere (Redgrave) is annoyed because her husband, Arthur (Harris), is spending all of his spare time with his new knight, Lancelot (Nero). I cannot find the direct quote and I am sure that I have morphed it through the years but it was something like - Maybe they can get a house by the sea and go shopping together. I think this one, and say it to my daughter or one of my girlfriends, whenever my husband and his brother go to wherever it is they go when they get together and forget that it's not the 60s or the 70s any more.
From Gone With The Wind, spoken by Clark Gable as Rhett Butler to Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara Wilkes Kennedy Butler. "Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn". This one I say under my breath or in my head whenever I just can't stand it (whatever it is) for another blessed second.
From Dirty Dancing, spoken by Jennifer Grey as Baby to Patrick Swayze as Johnny. " Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I'm scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you. " Aw, this is what I would love to have been articulate enough to have said to my husband when we were first starting out. We had such different lifestyles and I was so afraid of not being what he wanted. And I so wanted to always feel the way he made me feel then. I don't feel that way because fires, left burning out of control, will burn themselves out. Fires, tended carefully, will burn forever.
From Top Gun, spoken by Tom Cruise as Maverick to Kelly McGillis as Charlie. "It's classified. I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you. " This just makes me smile and is my answer for whenever someone asks a question that I don't feel like answering.
And now, because I evidently have lost the ability to just play by the rules.
From The Man from Snowy River spoken by Jim to Jessica's father played by Kirk Douglas. "I'll be back for the mares (pause) and whatever else is mine." This is the line I always wanted to hear about me spoken by a man who loved me. I have come close.
Your classified line is used over here ALL the time. As hubby does have DOD Top Secret clearance.
LOVE GWTW. Rhett is such a baddy.
Camelot! Oh, I love you more. I thought I was the only one who loved it.
Don't be ashamed that you don't know what IT stands for. IT = Information Technology. It tends to be very corporate. Or maybe that's just my impression. :)
love your quotes
Those are ALL good ones. Fried Green Tomatoes is one of my all time favorite movies. I even loved the book!!!
I almost did that Fried Green Tomato one. :) I LOVE that line!
And Baby's line and that last one, ahhhh! I know there was a line I always liked from Rob Roy too but I couldn't remember what it was, something mushy. :)
This comment is classified. I could tell you what I really thought but then I'd have to.......
You know what I mean!
Great quotes. Enjoyed your fun Monday post. Jennifer
That Dirty Dancing line is a killer.....a real gooey killer!
Thanks for the clip... I need to rent the movie now so I can get the full dose! So many good ones.
I came close to quoting "Beautiful Girls". It's a speech given by Rosie O'Donnell to a couple of young men. The first time I heard it, I fell out of my chair laughing and yelling EXACTLY!!!
dirty dancing tops my fave-rave movie list ... and i love your last quote too.
That's a great Dirty dancing quote. Enjoyed reading your choices today!
Yet another vote for "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn" and the a bonus from The Man From Snowy River, one of the best Australian films of all time.... I'm impressed.
"I'm older and I have more insurance". You have inspired to rent Fried Green Tomatoes and watch it again.
You did a great job! I love those quotes. Thanks for stopping by and happy Fun Monday!
great quotes Sandy!!
I have something for you!! Come over and see!!!
All great quotes!! I forgot the line from Top Gun was from a movie! I quote that a lot too!!
Hee hee, I love those, and the clip was fab. Brill choices.
I love Dirty Dancing. I used to watch it every day after school when I was a little gupper.
Yay! At least I've seen all of your movies! And we share the affinity for the Towanda line. Thanks for sharing your great choices-
I love the one from Fried Green Tomotatoes- my mom and I say that all the time!
Love your quotes, and I can't believe I've never seen Fried Green Tomatoes!
Wow, I pretty much said that Dirty Dancing quote to Hot Brazilian last night.
Great quotes you chose. Love them all!
the "house by the sea" is a new one... but I'm going to use it.
Gone With The Wind seems to be quite a popular one!
But I love your thoughts supporting the Dirty Dancing line. :)
Great list of quotes!!!!
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