Monday, March 3, 2008

Fun Monday - Coming Soon to a Theatre Near You

This week's Fun Monday hostess is Janet, dropping in from her very own planet. Here is what she would like to see:

So here's what I want to read about: Write the brief synopsis of this film that you might use to pitch this project and cast the principal players. Who would play you? You can either cast or ignore significant others, children and/or pets. This is, after all, YOUR movie about you you YOU! Illustrate as needed with casting photos or filming locations. Your life not interesting enough? Hey, this is Hollywood. Never let the facts get in the way of a good story!

So, no synopsis for me. I have been taking lessons from Swampy. However, you can have the goodies. If you want the story? Go buy a ticket!

The title?

The theme song? This is it. I am now, or have been, or will be, each and every one of these women.

I would hire, as my costume designer, whoever designed this lovely frock for Fiona. When Fiona was the Princess, the dress fit. When Fiona morphed into the Ogress, the dress fit. I NEED THIS DRESS!

The cast? So easy. I would play myself.

The supporting cast? Here they are.


Anonymous said...

Hilarious!!! Simple, yet satisfying.

Jill said...

those dwarves should be called 'winter in iowa' AH HA HA!!!!

is it okay to laugh?

the rotten correspondent said...

Hey, I want that dress too. And the seven dwarves of menopause?

Snort. Too stinkin' funny!

Anonymous said...

Would that be supporting cast or your 7 personalities? Personalities for me for sure.

Anonymous said...

Love the dwarfs!!!

Attie said...

I too need that dress!!!!!!!!!and gotta love them Dwarfs...right?

Mariposa said...

I'm LOL! Crazy...cute...funny!!!

Sauntering Soul said...

I've never owned a dress like that in my lifetime either.


bichonpawz said...

Can't say I've ever owned a dress like that either! Love the dwarves!!! :))

the planet of janet said...

hilarious! i also want fiona's costumer ... and the supporting cast? yeah, baby!

Anonymous said...

Yes. I want Fiona's magic dress, too. And, Bitch is such a great song. You crack me up, toots.

Karina said...

THis made me laugh out loud...especially the dress part! LOVE IT.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Ha ha ha !! Superb!!

Irish Coffeehouse said...

Oh my you rock! This has been the best so far! I also want one of those Fiona Designer Dresses too! :)

Thanks for sharing (and making me crack up in mass hysteria!)!

Peter said...

A good cast is half the battle won already.

Queen of the Mayhem said...

I never thought about it....but whoever designed that dress is a GENIUS! :)

hee-hee on the dwarves!

Amanda said...

LOL! I like the new Dwarves!

Sayre said...

Crack me up!!! I can relate a little too well to this movie!

laurie said...

i love that dress--deep green velvet.

and the dwarves are hilarious. i must steal them to amuse my slightly older and already menopausal friends!

Ingrid said...

Hahaha ! the funniest movie I saw lately !!

Alison said...

Sandy, you did a great job with this!! I love it!! I need that magic dress also!!

Faye said...

Lucky casting director! I think we all need to borrow your cast Sandy--our movies will never get done. . . Fortunately--or unfortunately depending on the day--I can put a friend name with every one of the dwarf characters.

Unknown said...

How cute! Love it!

Melanie said...

Oh, I love it! Too funny ;)

Kaytabug said...

LOL!!! You are funny!!! I want one of those dresses too!!

Anonymous said...

I just wrote a dissertation but blogger ate it (maybe because it was so long :().

Love the way you handled this...

And basically, I was thanking you for continuing to read my blog, even when I can't read and comment more to yours (and others in my Bloglines). It really means a lot to me and I appreciate YOU.


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