Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Persian Pickles

My husband and I were at the World Market today buying my monthly supply of PG Tips tea and my grandson's supply of Walker's shortbread cookies and Dad's root beer. There was a sign at the cash register advertising "Paisley Scented Candles".

My immediate question to the cashier was, "What does paisley smell like?"

She looked at me and rather abashedly admitted that she didn't know. She said that she had never smelled a paisley and, in fact, did not know what one was.

If memory serves, they smell a lot like patchouli oil.


Swampy said...

I googled 'what does paisley smell like' and came up with Brad Paisley smells like a wet dog.
So, there you go...paisley smells like a wet dog.
Now, may I come over for some tea and shortbread cookies and root beer?

Sayre said...

I think everything in World Market smells like pachouli... which isn't a bad thing. I rather like pachouli. It's what my husband wore when we first started dating, but he had to stop because it made my lips numb.

Princess Jewelee said...

I think paisley smells like corduroy tastes.

Pamela said...

I would agree with crown princess. ha ha

I have read The Persian Pickle Club
,.... and that may be closer to the truth.

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