Monday, May 24, 2010

One of those perfect days

This was it. I work nights and so does my daughter. Her son is staying with us until the end of the school year as they moved about a month ago. This morning, because the child needed his vest for choir tomorrow and it was at his house and not mine, I picked up my sweetie and the lil man and met my daughter for breakfast.

We went to the Ranch House Cafe in Canyon. Not only is it about midway between our homes but the home fries are to die for. OK, maybe not to die for but definitely worth a 30 mile drive. I had home fries, Juls had home fries, Moose had chocolate chip pancakes and Shorty had a traditional breakfast with home fries. We got the vest, Juls and Moose got to see each other and it was just plain nice.

On the way home, Moose took it upon himself to clean the backseat of the car. This is not as simple as it should be. He would pick something up, ask me save or no and put it in the appropriate pile. Shorty napped. When we got home, we went past the dumpster first and the trash actually made it out of the car.

I then proceeded to go to bed. I had changed the sheets last night so they still had that lovely slidey cool feeling. That's all that I can tell you until 7:00 tonight. Shorty woke me to ask what kind of shirt the kiddo needed. Collared and white and evidently, it's at his mom's, too. Thank goodness for Walmart. Shorty and Moose went hunting for clothes and I woke up slowly and quietly.

The guys returned home with the shirt and a new pair of Wranglers, too, just in case. I opened the curtain and, voila! my yard had been mown. Shorty got a new riding mower the other day and I never even heard it. Moose had been on sabotage patrol, picking up all of the things that might damage the new blade. The yard is not perfect yet but, oh my gosh, what a huge difference.

Moose had also finished cleaning his room and he and his Grampits had de-dogged the living room floor behind the couch where the dogs destroy all that is good and holy and leave the debris as evidence of their mighty powers. If anyone can explain to me why DVDs and toilet bowl brushes are worthy of destruction, I would be very appreciative.

The guys did all of this work together today in harmony. It was so nice to wake up to calm, happy, smiling faces. Shorty then further spoiled me by cooking dinner;shrimp and corn on the cob for him and Moose and tamales and corn on the cob for me. Moose ate a good dozen shrimp and two ears of corn and a small ice cream!

Moose had all of his homework done so he got to play on the computer until bedtime with a promise to me of a shower in the morning.

Just a really nice, unspectacular day.


Princess Jewelee said...

Sounds like a great day was had by all. Glad it was one of those nothing huge, everything right kinda days!

Sayre said...

I love days like that!!!

janet said...

Fabulous! I could go for some shrimp right about now too!! :)

Swampy said...

I was so afraid you were going to say the vest ended up in the dumpster. Thanks my luck !

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