Friday, May 28, 2010

Looking for Help

I am working on a project for a friend of mine. I need pictures of gardens. I know that I can find tons of pictures of gardens online but I would like for these to be pictures of gardens of people that I know...sort of.

They don't have to be glamorous or perfect or anything else. I just would like some pictures of flowers and lawns and water features and weeds and dog poop and whatever else is in your yard.

If you could just post them on your blog and throw them up on facebook or send them to my email, I sure would appreciate it.



Sayre said...

Well, I have pictures of my container garden up on my blog today... Don't know that that's what you're looking for though...

Swampy said...

What is the deadline for this project, Miss Sandy ?
I have plenty of photos in all those categories, BUT things are a bit...shall I say HeCtIc around here.

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