Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Why Y'all Will Be Seeing More of Me

I should be making more of an appearance on my own blog soon because I am, for Lent, giving up.......gasp, Facebook!

Yep. No more farming or being a restauranteur or even playing scrabble with my friends. I did consider exempting that last one but I have always been an "all or nothing" kind of gal. So, starting Wednesday morning, I will be absent from Facebook until after Easter.

This should allow me more time to spend with the actual people in my life...and with my books and my pets and my housekeeping and, hopefully, with God.

Have a great Lent, friends, and know that I will be here...lol.


Sayre said...

What a good idea! I won't be giving up Facebook - I have other things that are more of a distraction that would benefit more through elimination (even if only temporarily. I'll be looking forward to seeing you here!

Princess Jewelee said...

Good choice mom, i will miss ya over there......and you will miss my swear word free posts....lol.

Love ya

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