Wednesday, February 17, 2010

What Happened in my Life while I was busy on FB

So much has changed in my life in the last 6 months and I realize that I have been remiss in updates. I have been much too busy feeding the hungry, farming, and playing games over on Facebook. I always knew that I have an addictive personality. I just didn't realize HOW addictive.

My husband was temporarily laid off in November, which put sort of a crimp into our holiday plans, as did Goose's injury. Shorty is still not working and it looks like it may become a retirement instead of a lay-off. Goose is doing all right although she now has a very pronounced limp. She does stay away from the cows now.

I do not even remember if I posted when I passed my state board for Pharmacy Tech. I did! Hurray! I had no idea what a sense of accomplishment this would give me, but it certainly did. Made me believe in myself again, and in my ability to learn new things. So, I have (had) a new career and all was right with the world.

It was very busy at work and, one night, I went home just spent. Physically, emotionally, and mentally spent. I just wanted to quit. And then......

1 comment:

Sayre said...

...and then? And THEN? Darn it, gal - don't leave us dangling!!!

Congratulations on passing your course! I've been thinking of trying something new myself. I work for the state and they're looking to cut everyone's salary in the next year. That, when they don't pay us much to start with.

The laid-off husband can be a problem. Mine was laid off for 6 years before finally getting a "real" job. Luckily, he had skills to use in a freelance market so he did. The only problem with that was that you couldn't really budget around it - the arrival of checks was too sporadic. We did quite a lot of hand-to-mouth time.

I'm glad you're back!

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