Thursday, May 17, 2007

The great migration

Long story short, 1 and 1/2 years ago, my husband came home and said, "Honey, let's move the house." Why I didn't leave him then I couldn't tell you. Sooooooooo...

...this week, on Monday, he moved the first of the two 10x16 storage buildings we own preparatory to moving the house on Friday (that would be tomorrow). I have class after work on Monday, so did not get to see the move.

Tuesday morning, on my way to work, I decided to stop by the new place to take a picture of the storage shed - our first "footprint" on the new place. I was talking to my daughter on the phone and wondering where exactly her Dad put it. I couldn't see it. Finally, I saw it.

It rained Monday night but I really did not think the winds were THAT strong. I was evidently incorrect. The building was lifted over the fence and dropped in our friend's pasture, missing all the livestock, thank goodness.

So, the floor will now become the front porch when we move the house. The siding will become, when placed on top of 4x4s on the back fence line. shade for the horses (pasture side) and shade for the dogs (back yard side).

The new storage building will be delivered in approximately 2 weeks and will be SECURELY anchored. I'll let you know how moving the house goes...

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