Friday, September 27, 2019

Where did the week go?

No apologies.  It's been over a week since my last post.
No excuses.  It's been over a week since my last post.

No great feats have been accomplished.  No major hurdles have been leapt.  No great obstacles have been overcome.

I am well.  I got to dispatch my first pursuit since I came back to Hereford.  It went as smoothly as it possibly could have.  No one was hurt.  The bad guy went to jail.  The stolen vehicle went back to it's owner.  It lasted 40 some minutes and was really, really fast and I absolutely live for that stuff.  The adrenaline high is just now wearing off.  Some people have an adrenaline dump.  I just savor mine and try to make it last.

Molly is well.  She is not happy but she is physically well.  She is pouting because I won't let her eat the cat.

Clyde is well.  He is not happy but he is physically well.  He is pouting because Molly keeps trying to eat him every time he comes near me.

Bonnie is well.  Bonnie is a Chihuahua and doesn't care about anyone but herself.

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