Monday, September 28, 2020

bunker bitches

 This is going to be fairly long so a little background in order that those to come will have a context in which to put this.  In the year 2020, there is a pandemic.  There is also a lot of civil unrest stemming from race issues and perceived, as well as factual, police brutality.

A young woman was killed accidentally by police during the execution of a search warrant in Louisville, KY.  Out of the 3 officers originally being investigated, the Grand Jury saw fit to hand down an indictment on one, citing him for "wanton endangerment."  The City of Louisville has already settled with the family of the deceased for $12 million dollars.  

The protesters continued protesting but the rioters - the looters and pillagers and destroyers of other peoples' property in the name of justice - lost their little minds.

They, a loosely knit conglomeration of disaffected and disenfranchised and mostly unemployed (except for those paid by "they"),  people decided to lay siege to the Louisville Metro Police Department.  Among the many colorful things that were shouted by the rioters was "Fuck the police and the bunker bitches, too!"  

I do not know who decided to call us that but I would like to thank them.  We, and I do mean dispatchers as a whole,  have embraced the phrase.  Bunker Bitch.  It just rolls off the tongue alliteratively.  It is powerful.  It is not very nicey-nice.

It is us.

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