Monday, September 9, 2019

Writers write

I worked today and I worked yesterday.  12 hour shifts do not leave much time in my day or room in my brain to blog.  I used to could and I might could again, but I don't seem to be able to now.

I am off tomorrow and then Julie and I are flying to Fort Benning to watch the boy - he will always be the boy - "turn blue" and graduate Infantry School.  I could not be more proud if he was my own.  He knows that he is not college material and he has always intended to be military.  I always wanted him in the Navy.  It's harder to hit those targets far out at sea.  He declined to join the same branch of the military that his father was in.  Either way, it's an honorable calling and I am proud.

His maternal grandfather (that would be my ex-husband) will also be there.  Manners, civility, and cordiality will prevail - or Julie will beat us both.

I hope to write more when my brain recovers but in the meantime, just know that I am back.

1 comment:

Princess Jewelee said...

Yes. Yes she will. This is the boy's solo sole achievement and as such I will ensure he is honored by all attending (with good manners and acceptable behavior)

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