Friday, November 6, 2015

Nov 6

I drove down to Amarillo today to get my military ID card renewed. I'm also going to go to a photography exhibit with my daughter while I'm here. And I remembered how many things make me smile. Molly dragging my $40 blanket around because she's decided it's her bed made me smile today - it went from my bedroom to the living room to the sunroom where hopefully it will stay for the rest of the day. The sight of two Osprey hovering above Bell Helicopter made me smile and feel protected. Sitting in a warm car and watching the wind blow made me smile. I think I'm getting better.

1 comment:

Sayre said...

Perhaps, for now, this is Molly's safe way of keeping you with her. This might be the beginning of acceptance - but I think in Molly's case it's going to take a long time.

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