Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mermaids of the World, Unite!

I have written before about not belonging - or feeling out of touch, somehow. I was thinking about this earlier today when I remembered this - Barbara Bush's Commencement Speech at Wellesley, June 1, 1990.

Some members of the university had attempted to rescind their invitation to former First Lady Barbara Bush. They said that she was not relevant.

The entire transcript of her speech can be found
here. If you ever need to be reminded what class is, look no further.

The part of her speech that stuck with me is this:

"...related the story by Robert Fulghum about a young pastor, finding himself in charge of some very energetic children, hits upon the game called "Giants, Wizards, and Dwarfs." "You have to decide now," the pastor instructed the children, "which you are a giant, a wizard, or a dwarf?" At that, a small girl tugging at his pants leg, asked, "But where do the mermaids stand?" And the pastor tells her there are no mermaids. And she says, "Oh yes there are. I am a mermaid."

I must try to be that certain of who I am.


Sayre said...

I LIKE this! Mermaids unite!

Pamela said...

and remember to allow kids to maintain that certainty, too!

Irish Coffeehouse said...

Love the last sentence! So true!!!! And for me too! lol

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