Sunday, January 27, 2008

Fun Monday - the night stand edition

This week, AOJ& the Lurchers would like to peek into our bedrooms. Continuing in the spirit of "being interested in people", I would like to know, or see, what's on, in or under your bedside table! So open those draws and bare your soul to us! Is there anything special there that has a story or a memory that you can tell us about? Books that you keep there to delve into from time to time? Trinkets that you don't know where else to put? Let's see!

First, a disclaimer. I have not had any coffee yet. I did not have my glasses on when I looked at those nightstands and went, "nah, the dust isn't that bad". My camera's eye is much better than mine. Having said all that, did I have a cuppa, clean the room, and reshoot? Nope. 'Cause I am just too dang lazy.

Hubby's side. The music is mine (the CD player is on his side) and the jumble of cords and God knows what is his.

This is my side. The 4 books I am reading, the stupid inserts from magazines I have read, lotion, tissues, nail clippers, nail smoothers, bandaids and a dragolin bank that my sweetheart bought me at a street fair in Minden, NV when we were first married, a long, long time ago when dragons and unicorns played together.


ellen b. said...

ha! You are crackin me up! The bank looks great. I'd love to see a closeup of it!

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Now that's what a bedside table should look like!

Kim said...

Dragons and unicorns used to play together?!?

Faye said...

So Sandy, is that "Boom" that you're reading? If so, can you review yet? I've been listening to some of the discussion around it with Tom B.

I think sweetheart gets extra points for the sentimental street fair gift and letting you listen to sweet Josh G before sleep.

Anonymous said...

HA!! Another bookworm who does her nails in bed! Love the pics!

Unknown said...

YOu have matching tables and lamps? I didn't show hubby's side but we don't match. I like that, dragons and unicorns.

Anonymous said...

Good for you for being honest and not cleaning up first!!!!

PS: Our nightstands currently have just as much dust on them! Luckily for me, I don't participat in Fun Monday! ;)

kitten said...

Love your collection. Thank you for my lecture, I needed that. I did have a better lamp and my kids broke it. A friend of mine gave me that lamp last year. I don't read as much since.

Anonymous said...

Love your Fun Monday! Being real and true! I was trying to think of what I could add to my side table to make it more interesting and just decided to leave it like I have it always is. Also loved the fact you didn't dust like me. Although I didn't show my dust...I was sneaky and didn't use my flash on my camera!! Secrets out! :)

Jientje said...

You use both of them!!! Your music is on his side!!! LOL!
I forgot to dust too!!
As for the question you asked ...
My husband and I are together since 1882, and we got married in 1991!
Can't remember any dragons though!!!

Anonymous said...

I just blew the dust off mine. Don't you just hate those magazine inserts!
Kathy b
ps You found bullets in your purse?

Debs said...

I am not doing Fun Monday this week. I forgot all about it. Dust? I don't see not dust. Come to my house..I will show you dust. *LOL*

Great job! :)

Peter said...

Hi Sandy, You didn't open any doors or drawers!!!

Anonymous said...

Like your lamp!

Tiggerlane said... are one honest blogger to post REAL dust! I don't feel so badly about all my dust, now...but I'm glad my camera has a shadier eye than yours!

laurie said...

i love the mess! it makes me look somewhat normal!

Alison said...

Naw..your dust is not bad!! Mine is way worse, you just can't see it under all the books!!

Anonymous said...

I still have my Josh Groban Christmas CD out, too. Great minds think alike?

Anonymous said...

Hi Sandy,
My Fun Monday is there now :)
The quote on the blog title is from Terry Pratchett's Discworld series and is the motto of the inept "Wizzard" Rincewind. The polite translation is "oh dear, oh dear, oh dear, I'm going to die". My hubby put it up there when he set the blog up for me (I could have done it myself but it was quicker to have him do it!).
Your bedside table (the actual table) looks very exciting - like a mini wardrobe from the photo!

Robinella said...

Lots of fun stuff. Thankfully, my picture was not too close and the dust didn't really show. But trust me, it was there.

Attie said...

Are hose vicks klenexes...I love them..and I love how you take up both sides!!! i don't have a lamp on my husbands cause he always knocks everything over trying to shut the alarm off!!

ChrisB said...

I cheated and de-cluttered the top of mine by removing tissues, hand cream, receipts and my passport, left there from my trip to the states back in Oct.Yours feels very comfortable and looks how mine would normally look!

dlyn said...

Lots of books on a bedside table means you're really smart and intellectual, right? That's my story anyway!

Hootin Anni said...

Hi Sandy....Happy Fun Monday. Sorry it's taken a while for me to get back to you, but it's been a busy day here......

And to answer your question about "Rhett Butler's People"....yes, it's about the one and only Rhett of "Gone With the Wind"---before he fell in love with Scarlet. It begins with a duel [I'll tell you that much.] I think it's pretty good. There are quite a few characters to learn about, but also there are some quite familiar. So, so far it's okay.

Mariposa said...

I love your lamp! Happy MM!

Megnificent said...

I love little glimpses into who you are. I just love ya! And your dust!!!

My entertainment center in my living room is dusty, but my bedroom gets dusted on Saturdays...lucky me! Living room dusting is on Tuesdays.

It's OCD at its finest. LOL

Kaytabug said...

Oh yea, dust was all over my dresser and dog hairs too!! I moved my box of Kleenex's and a small pile of clean clothes...and you still saw nothing but mess and dust!

the rotten correspondent said...

Yep. That's pretty much what mine look like,too. Phew!

Beckie said...

I took my picture from a distance so you couldn't see the dust. We all have dust.

Anonymous said...

You honest blogger, you!! I tidied up a bit, but missed the dust! Yours looks alot like mine. I moved my husband's cell phone and all the cords from our fax and printer machines. Just for fun I'll email you a photo of what my entertainment center looks like, with the kids and their CDs for their Playstation.

Retrohipster said...

4 books at once?!! I would never be able to do that!!!

Serina Hope said...

I like that it is obvious which side is the husband's and which side is yours.

Anonymous said...

A lot of people mention your dust, which I cannot see personally, but I do know that the wife here cleaned (the nightstand area) before I was allowed in the room. Ohh... actually, I should have got a picture of her cleaning....
Anyway, yours is an honest post and if you know where everything is at, then so be it... NLM

Anonymous said...

I must two are like two peas in a pod :-) You both have similar looking tables. I give you lots of credit for just taking the picture and posting. Most would have done the fake thing and arranged it nicely. Good showing!!

And I'll Raise You 5 said...

Don't you just hate those inserts in the magazines? I can't believe how many there are. So annoying. My husband wings them across the room like playing they end up everywhere...

Linda said...

I love the dragolin - I think. It looks roundy and maybe has wings? This is so cool - it's amazing how much you can learn about a person by seeing what they keep by the bed.

Andre Veloux said...

Nice and messy! But what's inside the cupboards?

Sauntering Soul said...

I also can't stand those stupid magazine inserts.

Everyone has dust but I don't really notice it in your picture. I noticed after I posted my photos that there was a hair ball from my cat under one of my tables. I didn't say anything about it and hope no one noticed!

Karina said...

I'm just getting around to visiting Fun Mondayers today (better late than never, right?). I had the same thoughts about dust when I took my photos, and the same reaction about laziness when I thought about reshooting the photos! haha...

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