Monday, October 25, 2010

Misjudged and maligned

We have 4 dogs. Duck is the good dog. Holly is, well, Holly is Holly. Bonnie is a Chihuahua and those of you have owned Chihuahuas know that no other words are necessary. Then there is Goose. Goose is mostly black Lab and, knowing that, I did not expect her brain to show up for another 3 or 4 years. She is a year old and chews. Trees, railroad ties, crucifixes, shoes, shotgun shells. It doesn't matter. Goose eats it...or so I thought.

Sunday, I went to a birthday party. Goose and Bonnie opted to stay outside. Duck and Holly were inside. When I got home, I found this:

Goose, I apologize, baby. And Holly? What did you do??!!??

1 comment:

Pamela said...

oh heavens!
I miss having a dog
...and then I see these photos

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