Sunday, February 1, 2009

Fun Monday - Read a Good Book Lately?

This week's Fun Monday is hosted by Angela at AOJ&the Lurchers. Her assignment? This: So for Fun Monday on 2nd February, firstly tell me what book you are reading now. What's it about? Are you enjoying it and why? If not, why not?And secondly, if you were to be stranded on a desert island, what one book would you take with you.

I am currently reading (actually, I just started this last night) On Account of Conspicuous Women by Dawn Shamp.

I picked this book strictly for it's title. I fear that I am becoming a conspicuous woman. When I am not fearing conspicuosity, I am relishing it. I will let y'all know how I like this book after I finish it. So far, about two chapters in, I am delighting in well-written prose.

As for what book I would take with me to that desert island, I know the PC answer is the Bible. Sorry. I would take with me

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon.

I could, and do, reread this book often. I first picked it up strictly by happenstance when my husband and I were still driving truck. I started reading it to myself and, by page 100, had decided it was too good to keep to myself. I read, aloud, all 4 volumes of the Outlander series that were then in print to my husband. We have since read the other 2, also. There were times when we were supposed to trade duties and I was supposed to drive and he was supposed to sleep when I just kept reading. We read and cried and laughed together and could not wait for another chance to read more. So, on that island, I could not only relive Jamie and Claire's love story but my own.


Sayre said...

Ooo - do follow up on Conspicuous Women. I would read it just for the title too!

I've never read any Outlander books. May need to pick some up soon!

Anonymous said...

Outlander ruined me for men. (sigh) Jamie.......

Sarah said...

Big sighs for Jamie and Claire. Love Diana Gabaldon. That would probably be on my top ten list for being stranded with, though it didn't make my number one spot.
Hope you continue to enjoy the new book you're reading :)

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed your story about your days with hubby driving a truck together, that is a real Love story. awwww so sweet.

~moe~ said...

I'm excited to read Outlander! Thanks for the tip!

Pamela said...

oh yeah.. the Outlander series certainly draws you in. I quit after "Drums of Autumn" (People could yell at me across the room and I wouldn't even hear them)

So you recommend Conspicuous Women?

Junebug said...

Reading together outloud, I wish we did that. That sounds terrific.

Aoj and The Lurchers said...

Outlander sounds a good read..or listen! Another one to add to my list!

Living Life said...

Sounds like two great books! Even though I do prefer audio because of my hectic "Mom" schedule and always being on the go, I agree that it is nice to have a book in hand. In fact, sometimes, I purchase or borrow both.

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

I think you know how much I LOVE Outlander. You gotta join the book club. I think you'd love it.

Simone said...

Your description of 'Outlander' was so intriguing that I just had to go and look it up on It has over 1300 reviews, most of which are positive - that's very impressive.

But you didn't say it was 850 pages long! All I can say is this: I hope it comes in audiobook format or maybe I could talk my husband into reading out aloud for me.

I love the title of your current read too.

Gattina said...

I don't know both books, but think about a waterproofed bag when you take a ship !

Molly said...

"So, on that island, I could not only relive Jamie and Claire's love story but my own." (What a beautiful thought.) I occasionally have read to my husband as he drives, and very recently, we have started listening to audio books. I enjoy the audio books to pass time on trips.

ChrisB said...

Now you've made me wonder if I should read Outlander! :)

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