Friday, November 23, 2007

"The Most Exciting Day Ever"

We got up this morning and there was no snow. We snuggled back into bed to stay warm because it was cold, cold, cold - 30 degrees.

Lil man went to let the dogs out and "IT SNEWED DURING THE NIGHT!"

I told him that it had not snowed during the night. It must have just snowed. I got up and, as we looked out the window, got to say "It is snowing now!"

I went to make some coffee, leaving him at the dining room window. and heard him talking to the little dog, "This could be the most exciting day ever!"

And it could!


Dallas Meow said...

happy you all got snow - we just got the bitter remains of the COLD after it passed through!
heh heh, it's warmed up to 34 now!
Have a great weekend

laurie said...

ah, i love that enthusiasm!

until he needs to drive in it, he'll love the snowy days.

Unknown said...

I'm glad you guys are enjoying it all warm & snuggly. I saw the whole great Texas north had some. And, thanked the Big Man I was in Houston. I just can't like it.

Nikki said...

It snowed here too, although none of it stuck. Kid's enthusiasm is the best!

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