Today's hostess is Faye from Summit Musings. Her topic this week is procrastination and 3 ways that we manage to put things off.
The first way that I procrastinate is sleep. I love to sleep. I work nights so I use that as an excuse to sleep most of the rest of my life away.
The second way that I procrastinate is what I am doing right now. I play on the computer. I blog, I read blogs, I play on facebook, I send emails, I read 19 different newspapers, and I google whatever strikes my fancy. I am always amazed by how much time I can spend doing this that I should be spending doing chores.
The third way? Back in the olden days, before there were computers, there were this wonderful escape mechanism that I learned to love. I still do. You can find me at the library once a week at least and I still love the feel and the smell of an actual book. I can also escape my cluttered, dog hair covered, dusty living room and just go away. Nothing gets done but my mood does improve.
There you have it. I procrastinate because I am lazy. I evidently enjoy being lazy or maybe I just enjoy being successful at something. I am definitely a success at the art of procrastination!
I love your methods of procrastination - and share all but the sleep one. Even when I want to or try to, I can't sleep in unless totally exhausted. Animals and child make that virtuallly impossible. Sigh. That's the one I would love the most.
I am such a procrastinator too. Sleep, sigh, I love a good nap.
I enjoy all the same things that you do but I cannot sleep I am and Insomnaic so you would think that I could get more done. Not really.
Congratulations on your success. However, if you work nights, you deserve the rest.
I begrudge time spent sleeping pre and post retirement. But we share your second "putting off" technique, how I love my computer, don't you? And libraries--it has been years since I've lived in a town with a really good library where you could escape and read a whole year of a magazine or thumb through reference books that wouldn't buy.
That's what I like to see... someone else who enjoys being a procrastinator.
I read to procrastinate, too! However, it is about the only thing to keep me from forgetting that the ABCs actually form words and I can use them to communicate or tell a story as well (short).. ahh, the joys of living with an (almost) 2 year old and having no one to talk to! I just posted (late of course) myself!
I love libraries, too. I sometimes find, however, that when I stand up from a library chair I've left a little dog hair behind me. I just carry it around with me, I guess.
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