The hostess for today (and for all of October) is Faye. Her topic for October 11: Fridge Blogs - in most homes the refrigerator door is not only decorated, it's also the family communication center with calendars, photos, announcements, reminders, art work, etc. Share a photo of your refrigerator door. What do you have posted on it? Why?
This is the side of my fridge that faces the dining room/hallway, as is the next picture. This is schedule for the RCIA at my Church. I am scheduled to teach a class in the spring. I am evidently afraid that I will forget.

And here, of course, is the front. Everything on my fridge is above tail-level. We used to have things lower when the grandkids were here more and were smaller but it just didn't work well. Our dogs are VERY happy.
I am not one of those people who keep their fridge pictures organized. My fridge front is more of an archeological project. The picture of Juls on the right hand side is from before she had Moose (and he's going to be 11 this month). There are Moose and Santa pictures from three different years. Moose himself put the pic of St. Michael the Archangel on top of the one. I think he felt himself in need of protection that year. The only picture that is not family is my bestest friend Kimmy and her pups - oh, wait, she is family. Never mind.
The magnet on the left that is about God is from Rome. It was brought to Shorty by a good friend of ours who went through the RCIA process with my husband. He has since died and we think of him daily. The rest is a melange of tickets and giveaway magnets and kid's artwork.
Sorry the pictures weren't better quality. I had just worked a 12 hour shift and forget to disable the flash. Now, go visit Faye and the rest of the participants.
One thing that your refrigerator display says is you are one busy person. My pictures are not great, but I am retired not working 12 hour shifts.
I like your archeological display.
Like a woman who thinks ahead--never know what you may need to know about 2011 teaching assignments. I understand that having things above tail level--used to be a real problem with the border collie's and golden's feather tails. (Shoot! how do those apostrophes work when there's two dog tails? Too lazy to look up. You get it though?)
How fun and bright your display is!
Mine is archaeological too... pictures from when the boy was very little and still in diapers! I'm sure when he starts having friends over as a teen, I'm going to have to take those down. :(
I put things on my fridge to remind me of things too. Seems the photos get old sooo fast, the years just speed by.
They (whoever they are) say that you can learn a lot about a person by looking in the garage...my thinking is just look at the refrigerator and that tells a pretty good story.
I've been away from home for so long, I can't remember what my fridge looks like.
The fridge is the best place to keep those little reminders posted! I love that you have a mix of photos and art work and reminders!
I could live with archeological I'm sure.
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