Fun Monday this week (and, in truth, this month) is hosted by Julie at Another Chance Ranch. Here's what she had to say: I try not to get too political on here. I've learned that you don't talk religion or politics with people. That is just my general rule. It's just not good. But, we are supposed to vote the very next day, and I am curious about something. I want to know your opinions. I want to know what you think about the state of our country. Or, is there a particular issue being voted on that you feel strongly about? What are your thoughts? Keep in mind, I don't want to know whether you are a Democrat or a Republican. I am just curious as to what is going through your mind.
I have already voted. Here, in the great state of Texas, early voting is the norm and makes it SO easy to fulfill your civic responsibilities. My daughter and I usually vote together and then have lunch. It gives us an excuse to see each other and to make an occasion out of something we both consider important.
I am blessed. I live in an agricultural area and, while I am not saying we are recession-proof, we seem to be doing better than a lot of other areas in this country. We have not lost any major businesses and our small businesses, while not necessarily thriving, are not closing either.
Having said that, the economy is what was on my mind when I voted this year. No matter what the President says, I do not believe the recession is over and I do not believe we are on the road to recovery. That "we" would be the national "we". Locally, we are all right. Not great, but all right. Our local officials, those up for re-election, were all running unopposed. This says a great deal about our local government and the choices we all made during the last few elections. The main race we were voting on is the gubernatorial race.
I never listen to political ads. If I were to believe the political ads, Satan is running against Beelzebub. I follow the news during the year and make my choices accordingly. This is another reason I love early voting. By the time the ads get truly vicious, my ballot has already been cast.
Now, go visit the other participants and then, tomorrow, GO VOTE!
I'm sensing a common theme here. Unfortunately, I too have heard that supposedly the recession is over, and was over almost a year ago. Economic markers don't always agree, although I am seeing the credit card offers go from 21-17% variable down to 12-14% variable, so I know that there is actually an upturn. Before the crunch, we had credit cards that were under 8% fixed and the stupid CC companies cut us off, for unknown reasons. Always paid our bills, etc. Basically they cut off all the good folks, and then started sending out the high interest rate cards, knowing people usually NEED credit. Can't wait for them to go back down and stay down. It was really poor timing for us, having just bought our house and really needing the credit to do things like buy a refrigerator and freezer with... those CC companies would have had their money and then some. Jerks. Anyway, that's how I'll know it's really turned around, by that marker, it does seem to be moving back, but as far as jobs go, not really.
Sounds like you do live in a nice stable town. I live in a small town too and I love it...but I see the pain of recession in my higher grocery bills and the lost of value in my home. Its everywhere in this country! And the Health care...I wont even go there. My hubs n I are retired and so far so good. But if things keep the way they are going, I fear we will be out looking for a job.
Like you, the economy and jobs is what's weighing on my mind this election. I'm going to try to vote for a mayor who will bring job, jobs, jobs to our city. As for state offices, I'll vote for the person who's not wanting to supervise my bedroom. Or, the one who does not believe that his/her "family values" should be everyones.
My post will be up later today. I'm just getting riled up! :-)
Well said! Thanks for playing along! I agree, there are certain parts of the country that are not feeling the recession as much as others.
We see the price increases in our groceries, etc. but then we drive home and see several new homes being built.
I follow all the job openings across the country and I don't see an upswing yet. The jobs are still lots of part-time, sales with no base salary, and lots of nursing jobs with icky schedules like 2 weeks nights/2 weeks days and floaters. Lots of group home and nursing home positions at $10/hour with no benefits or those kind of benefits where you have to work 1,000 hours/year before you get them and then they're mediocre.
I'd like to design a brochure for Satan running against Beelzebub. I think I may do just that when I can't sleep for worrying about money. Thanks for the fun idea! I've already got an idea for a campaign slogan!
I live in Michigan and as everybody knows we got hit hard. It's so nice to hear that there are areas that are doing ok. I'm very happy for you.
love it. Satan v. Beelzebub. that sums it up.
I agree: Satan vs Beelzabub
I agree with everything you said Sandy!! Here in NY we are so fortunate to have a new governor today!! With us being retired...we do notice a difference! YES....we voted!!!
I love early voting! I did it this year since I would be in Korea on election day. Unfortunately, almost none of the races turned out as I'd hoped...
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