Monday, March 29, 2010

Fun Monday - Spring is about to spring!

Our Hostess this week is Janis. Her assignment? Here is what I want you to do.....Take a photo of whatever represents Spring to You....and tell us why.

I thought about this long and hard. Asparagus used to mean spring to me but now it, along with everything else, is available year-round.

Flowers blooming used to mean spring to me but, as some of you know, it is still snowing occasionally in our corner of the world.

Swimsuits in the department stores used to mean spring to me but they now appear as soon as the Christmas decorations come down.

So now, this
is what means spring to me. My husband converted to Catholicism 5 years ago this Easter. I cannot think of a better symbol of rebirth. As you can tell from the picture, Moose did not quite make it through the Easter Vigil ceremony.


Ingrid said...

Spring also will arrive in your corner of the world ! We don't have many flowers yet either.

Jan n Jer said...

Easter is indeed a symbol of spring...the most important Christian celebration of the year. Thanks for playing Sandy and happy FM

Swampy said...

What a fabulous post ! Love the smiles on your faces...and what a precious sleeping baby !
Happy will happen someday at your place and at mine. Today, anything that appears to be budding is shivering in this cold.

Sayre said...

Perfect. That's probably why Easter is in spring too! Just never thought of it.

Peter said...

Easter is also in Autumn here in Australia, great post.

Molly said...

Very thoughtful answer, you like a content family.

Pamela said...

Well those are great reminders... I'm thinking that a conversion is about as good a spring blessing as they come.

Laughing about asparagus... as there are still farmers growing it here -- although most of it comes from peru now. Hard to believe it can come cheaper from there than a local field.

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