George (named after General George Patton who owned a bull terrier named Willie) has been checked by the vet and is in pretty good shape. Should no one claim him, I am going to have a new yard dog. Everyone is getting along pretty well so far as you can see from this very boring (and isn't that a good thing?) video.
George showed up yesterday and, once Buddy escaped from the yard, he and Buddy played together very nicely. He is a bull terrier, about 1 1/2 years old, and un-neutered. He is very affectionate and friendly and lovable and I hope there is a special circle of hell for folks who abandon dogs. I'm pretty sure there is.
More to follow, I am sure.
I watched a documentary on dog fighting a couple of nights ago, I can't remember the last time I was so angry.
PS. I've said this before, but I'll continue to say it until you do it, GIVE ME BUDDY....NOW!!!!
They will be right there alongside those who throw out baby kittens, what kind of person does that???
The Park Wife
you are so good, sandy, to rescue this nice guy!
and i know you don't want to give buddy up. but if you did, you could do a lot worse than shipping him off to WT.
good for you for taking george. how did you know his name??
At least he found his way to your loving home! :)
At least he knew which house would be a home. Good for you for helping him. I'm just so glad he has a good disposition. Normally they have to destroy dogs like him for aggression. He's a cutey. And, you know I love his name!
Thanks for all of your kind comments.
WT: After seeing what the customs guys did to your kokopelli, I think I'll keep Buddy on this side of the pond.
Laurie: I was gonna name the dog Henry but the vet reminded me of Patton's dog. Since I couldn't see myself yelling, "Here, Willie, Willie" I went with George.
Irish CoffeeHouse: I'm beginning to think that the dogs have somehow marked my house much like the hoboes did during the Great Depression when they found a home with friendly folks.
AFF: Bull terriers are not pits. They are very prevalent in the UK as family dogs, much like labs and retrievers are here. The original version of "The Incredible Journey" featured a bull terrier. Great movie if you can find it.
bull terriers are great, calm dogs. we know a couple that has two, named John and Ann. which always makes us laugh, because our best friends are named John and Ann.
so we call bull terriers "the john-and-ann dogs."
bull terriers are great, calm dogs. we know a couple that has two, named John and Ann. which always makes us laugh, because our best friends are named John and Ann.
so we call bull terriers "the john-and-ann dogs."
George is one good looking dog and I'm glad that he was lucky enough to find his way to you, he's obviously in a much happier place now, with lots of buddies.
We will love him and pet him and call him george......tell me about the rabbits george.
I promise that isn't Ozzy.
Though I've been tempted. ;)
All of our dogs have been accidental and they have been wonderful. I'm sure that if no one claims George, he will be a wonderful addition to your canine family!
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