However, 4 years ago, fondly remembering the peach tree in my parents' side yard, I bought a spindly little peach tree for around $17 at the Mart de Wal.
It has flowered in the past but the wind has always stripped it of it's buds long before fruition.
Until this year.
This year, in the midst of the drought, and with copious watering, we have peaches. They are not the white-flesh peaches of my childhood but they ARE peaches!
Imagine my surprise the other morning when I got home from work. Several of the branches were broken off. I walked into the yard, wearing my Crocs (not Birkenstocks, mind you), walked past the black dog lying in a crescent around the oak tree and observed the white dog hunkered down over something. I got closer and Holly looked up, peach juice dripping from her chin, with the "who, me?" look. Now, I am not a communist and as far as I know we have no gorillas in the area but it's getting close, folks. It's getting close. Between the 3 of us, we are the "Croc-wearing, tree-hugging, peach-eating Conservatives".