Molly dropped by yesterday to remind me that I have been remiss regarding Fun Monday. On this, the last Monday of the month, she would like to hear about a childhood memory.
I do not have a grand memory of my childhood. We didn't go to Disneyland or anywhere spectacular (to a kid). I do have a lot of small memories, the small things that life is made of.
I remember the smell of Vick's whenever one of us got sick. Mom would rub it on our chests and up our necks and then put us in one of Dad's white pima cotton T-shirts.
I remember when Mom would bake pies and there were scraps of dough left, she would roll them out, put a little butter on it, sprinkle it with sugar and cinnamon and bake it just for us kids.
I remember the button box in Mom's sewing chest and how, when we were bored, we would play with the buttons, or steal an empty thread spool, tap 4 small nails in the top, and use it to weave a yarn tube. They made great Barbie mufflers!
I remember the sound the rain made on the fiberglass carport next to my bedroom and how cold the linoleum floor seemed in the wintertime.
I remember picking the honeysuckles from across the street and sucking the "honey" out right up until I saw the neighbor's dog doing what dogs do on bushes.
I remember cutting holly from our very own holly trees for holiday decorations and sharing with the neighbors.
I remember my brother and I running through the house and turning on all the electric appliances so my Dad would look at the PG&E meter and lose his mind, and then running even faster to turn everything off before he came inside.
I remember my childhood very fondly. The parts that I was not fond of, I choose not to remember!
Now, hop on over to Molly's and see what everyone else is remembering.